Sale date: 10.06.2015Publication date: 07.05.2015STEMIXSale type: Submission of bids, Place: ЦрвенкаEstimated value: 4,313,170.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 10.06.2015Publication date: 14.05.2015LUSH LIMITEDSale type: Auction, Place: СуботицаBeginning price: 8,500,000.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 09.06.2015Publication date: 04.05.2015УНИПУМП-стечајна масаSale type: Submission of bids, Place: НишEstimated value: 6,540,000.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 09.06.2015Publication date: 11.05.2015ВОЋАР-ДРАГАЧЕВОSale type: Auction, Place: КотражаBeginning price: 0.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 09.06.2015Publication date: 07.05.2015VUKOVIĆ COMPANYSale type: Auction, Place: ОбреновацBeginning price: 24,783,815.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 09.06.2015Publication date: 06.05.2015АУТОБАНАТSale type: Auction, Place: ЗрењанинBeginning price: 0.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 05.06.2015Publication date: 07.05.2015TI-DUZSale type: Auction, Place: БеоградBeginning price: 1,206,948.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 05.06.2015Publication date: 04.05.2015ГРОЗДSale type: Auction, Place: Међуречје Beginning price: 0.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 05.06.2015Publication date: 30.04.2015СТЕЧАЈНА МАСА ФАБРИКА ШЕЋЕРАSale type: Submission of bids, Place: ПожаревацEstimated value: 0.00Sale state: ClosedRead more
Sale date: 04.06.2015Publication date: 04.05.2015VERTIGOSale type: Auction, Place: КоњевићиBeginning price: 60,364.50Sale state: ClosedRead more