Sale date: 08.10.2024 03.09.2024Стечајна маса ВАЛКОSale type: Auction, Place: Бачка ТополаBeginning price: 1,545,293.26Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 07.10.2024 05.09.2024BG KING EXPRESSSale type: Auction, Place: БеоградBeginning price: 0.00Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 07.10.2024 04.09.2024BIG BULL FOODSSale type: Auction, Place: ЂурђинBeginning price: 197,476,442.00Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 05.10.2024 02.09.2024NEO TECSale type: Submission of bids, Place: БеоградEstimated value: 0.00Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 02.10.2024 30.08.2024РАДSale type: Auction, Place: Бела ЦркваBeginning price: 7,040,254.00Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 01.10.2024 02.09.2024CARBON MINING BALKANSale type: Submission of bids, Place: ЧачакEstimated value: 0.00Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 01.10.2024 30.08.2024AD ALFA PROTEIN VRŠAC-U STEČAJUSale type: Auction, Place: VRŠACBeginning price: 9,909,193.00Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 30.09.2024 30.08.2024JU-VES-KOMERCSale type: Auction, Place: ПожегаBeginning price: 144,800.00Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 30.09.2024 29.08.2024ГУМА-ПРОМЕТSale type: Auction, Place: ВаљевоBeginning price: 9,242,363.10Sale state: ActiveRead more
Sale date: 27.09.2024 20.08.2024ВУЧИЋЕВИЋИ ДИВЉАКАSale type: Submission of bids, Place: ДобрачеEstimated value: 0.00Sale state: ActiveRead more