Bankruptcy Supervision Agency Organized the Biggest International Conference of Insolvency Regulators (IAIR 2023)
Bankruptcy Supervision Agency, as a chair of Executive Committee of the International Association of Insolvency Regulators (IAIR), hosted the General Assembly and Annual Conference of International Association of Insolvency Regulators from September 18th to 21st 2023 in hotel Metropol, Belgrade.
The Conference topic was „Digitalization/IT Developments in the Insolvency World“. In addition to numerous other open questions and topics presented by 26 lecturers from all continents, the digitalization of the bankruptcy procedure was particularly considered, primarily with the aim of improving the bankruptcy procedure and with the aim to show its positive effects on the development of the economy.
This was the the most attended international conference of bankruptcy regulators since its foundation, with a total of 63 participants from 26 countries (USA, India, Singapore, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, etc.), who represented 33 organizations (ministries, agencies and othre regulatory bodies), including the IMF, World Bank and EBRD. The conference was opened by the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Serbia, Mr Slobodan Cvetkovic.
The next General Assembly and Annual Conference of this international Association shall be held in September 2024 in Washington, in the IMF headquarters, in cooperation with US Ministry of Justice.